How I Work Remotely
Current Gig:
Content Marketer at Springworks (previously SpringRole)
How my typical day looks like:
Get up. Do some exercise. Make my breakfast. Power up my laptop. Checkout my emails and LinkedIn. Decide on a To-do list. The rest of the day, I work on my to-do list.
What’s my workspace setup like:
I spend most of the time on couch, desk, bed, and bean bag. :D
Apps and tools I can’t live without:
Slack, Zoom, Trello, Google Drive, Grammarly, and my headphones. :)
How do I recharge or take a break
We play fun quizzes and games virtually every day. I also make Tea (A LOT). I enjoy cooking. I take 20 min. nap. And I keep shifting my location :smile:
What I do in my free time:
I watch TV and Netflix. Read a book. Write on my personal blog.
What I’m watching currently
A Netflix Series: Cursed
What book I recommend:
The $100 Startup
My best advice for a remote worker:
Take scheduled breaks. Walk around your home while chatting on the phone with a friend. Move to a separate area — away from your laptop — to eat lunch for 30 minutes. It will make you refresh and can increase your productivity when you return to your work.
How’s your day look like?
The post was originally published at LinkedIn.